Debian is a widespread Linux release, that is used mainly on personal computers, still many people have started using it lately as a web server Operating System as well, because of the stability and protection it provides. The latter is a result of the fact that Debian is developed and supported by numerous qualified volunteers worldwide, which means that any patch that's needed to fix a certain issue is released within a couple of days. The same community can also help with any question or problem which a user may ever experience, since they can be contacted via electronic mail using e-mail lists and a competent response will be sent in no more than 15-20 min. The advantage here is that all of your questions will be addressed by the same people who have designed the Operating System itself and they have a detailed knowledge of how it works. As Debian is provided for free, you won't have to pay any kind of license fees to use it and you'll be able to personalize it as much as you want or need. This is valid for the Operating System and the 30.000+ software packages that are available for it.

Debian in VPS Servers

There're a few Operating Systems that we offer with our VPS hosting plans and Debian is one of them, so when you'd like to have a server with this Operating System, you can acquire one in under one hour. We also offer 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the OS to ensure that the VPS you will receive will completely cover the system requirements of any kind of web or offline application which you need to install on the server. Managing the content on the server can be performed in two ways, according to the choice you make on the order page. With no Control Panel, you're able to do everything on your Debian-equipped server through Secure Shell, as you will have root-level access, while through the Hepsia Control Panel, the root access will have some limitations, but you will be able to do everything through your web browser using a user-friendly web interface, even when you aren't very experienced. Using the optional Managed Services package that we offer, we can also maintain your Debian OS updated on a weekly basis, saving you effort and time.

Debian in Dedicated Servers

32-bit and 64-bit releases of Debian are available on our dedicated server order page and you are able to select any of them with just a single click for your new machine, based on what software environment the apps that you wish to use require for optimal performance. You can also choose whether our Hepsia Control Panel should be installed on the server or whether it should come with no Control Panel at all. The first option is suitable for inexperienced users who want a Debian-powered server, but want to manage it like a shared hosting account, whereas the second option is suitable for more advanced users who wish to have more control, due to the fact that ‘no Control Panel' means only Debian and the Apache web server software, but no other software set up on the server whatsoever. We'll also save your time and effort with our Managed Services upgrade, since it features regular Operating System updates, so that you'll have a safe and stable Debian installation.