The comprehensive online analytics figures in your Web Hosting Control Panel will allow you to observe virtually all activities on your web site. You will get live info about the stress produced in your web hosting account along with the traffic they have on a per–hour, weekly and monthly basis. You will also find information in relation to our system in general like the physical IP address, the Operating System, the variations of PHP and MySQL and many others. All the information is sorted in sections for you to easily locate it.

Server Information

Look into info on your hosting server

If you need to examine what exactly is the present syndication of PHP or MySQL or the Operating System of the web server where your cloud hosting account is positioned, proceed to the Server Information area of the Web Hosting Control Panel. There you will also get information on the mounted Perl modules, the incoming and outgoing mailing servers, in addition to the actual IP address your hosting server.

You will find the server details board inside the Stats part of the Gazelle Hosting Web Hosting Control Panel.

Hepsia File Manager

Access & Error Listing

Immediately track down any website efficiency issues

The Access and Error Listings document information about the web server, consisting of details about server access plus the types of errors spotted during hosting server functioning. You can get both kinds of information about the operation of your websites in the Stats Manager area of your Web Hosting Control Panel.

The access log lists every one of the text files, image files, video files, etc. that others have got required to look at with your web site, while the error log records all warnings and errors that the web server has stumbled upon ever since the log file was made.

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Traffic Reports

View your website customers in real time

Watching the site statistics of your website is the simplest way to observe how your online strategy is working. Through the Web Hosting Control Panel bundled online reports tools – Webalizer and Awstats, you will see the volumes of viewers that flock to your website, as well as the number of views they create and pages they open up on a day–to–day, weekly and monthly basis.

To analyze the statistics info, go to the Web Statistics section of your Web Hosting Control Panel and then load the statistics file for a selected domain. There’s no need to set up anything at all on your side. We trigger the stats as soon as your website goes online and starts getting visits.

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CPU Stats

Track your sites’ server load

The hosting server’s CPU is really important for the communication between your web site and its visitors. The more complicated and resource–consuming your websites are, greater amount of server resources and server operation time will be necessary for them to perform.

Within the CPU statistics part of the Web Hosting Control Panel, it’s possible to keep track of the employment of CPU resources produced by each of your sites. This can allow you to consider appropriate measures and improve your websites in case the CPU consumption quota is exceeded. You will see extensive CPU reports for every day and month as well as for an entire calendar year.

Hepsia File Manager